Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Promises Kept

Through Christ, my heart, by trust, was freed,
Later tripped up again by need.
Everyone needs a place to start
learning how to give all their heart.
But those who start to trust in man
are burned by fire and cannot stand.
There's only One who does not sin.
Glorious Son, unlike other men.
The only one with love so deep
that never fails, His promises to keep.
But human beings, like chaff in the wind,
chasing in circles, much effort they spend
to follow things that pass away,
then wonder why in pain they stay.
By fear and denial my heart was driven,
but I'll never regret the love I've given.
Love never fails or fades away,
though innocence may die, day by day.
In Him, my trauma is turned around,
by sacrifice I am gaining ground!
For innocence lost, I won't cry twice,
because for Him, it's worth any price!
to gain the goal of greatest good
to see His kingdom advanced, I would
keep my focus on Him, to stay on track,
because, for me, He kept nothing back!
In His service, I'd venture much,
Do anything, to feel His touch!
Remember the one who keeps His promise?
In praising Him, I find my bliss!