Tuesday, July 28, 2009


This is the one whose beauty is sung of in Zion!
Whose praises are shouted from the lips of the elders!
We have seen Him and are overcome by His glory.
The nations speak of the justice of His courts.
In Him there is no blemish to be found.
Therefore, our hearts consider Him with longing
and our prayer is to be found in His presence.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


In joy my soul's cut loose for flight
for otherwise circumstances might
cause distress.

Striving to exceed our harmonious best
exercising faith when we are stressed
to glorify Him.

Performance of tasks doesn't make me secure
Established as I am in His character I am sure
of His regard.

The work I do with pleasure does not come
from fear of His judgement, unlike some
who don't trust Him.

Not given to me to understand
is God's deep purpose when He demands
our obedience.

Give me strength to move forward, Lord
to diligently study and branish the sword
of Your Word.

Not from exhaustion will I make my choice.
Increase my strength when I chose to voice
Your praises.

It's always appropriate to express my thanks
first of all to the one who ranks
highest of all.

In Him I am sure of a victory won
by lifting Him up I have overcome
the world.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Promises Kept

Through Christ, my heart, by trust, was freed,
Later tripped up again by need.
Everyone needs a place to start
learning how to give all their heart.
But those who start to trust in man
are burned by fire and cannot stand.
There's only One who does not sin.
Glorious Son, unlike other men.
The only one with love so deep
that never fails, His promises to keep.
But human beings, like chaff in the wind,
chasing in circles, much effort they spend
to follow things that pass away,
then wonder why in pain they stay.
By fear and denial my heart was driven,
but I'll never regret the love I've given.
Love never fails or fades away,
though innocence may die, day by day.
In Him, my trauma is turned around,
by sacrifice I am gaining ground!
For innocence lost, I won't cry twice,
because for Him, it's worth any price!
to gain the goal of greatest good
to see His kingdom advanced, I would
keep my focus on Him, to stay on track,
because, for me, He kept nothing back!
In His service, I'd venture much,
Do anything, to feel His touch!
Remember the one who keeps His promise?
In praising Him, I find my bliss!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

More Than This

Praises be to the Lord Most High!
who has given us freedom under an open sky.
Exalted are the mountains which are under His gaze
lifted up for His glory and everlasting praise!
These things which evidence His enduring love
the rebel, by nature, can make nothing of.
By not desiring the Source, which is God
through an endless, barren, wilderness plods,
to the blackest hole, where is cut out God's heart,
without which, reality, at the seams, falls apart.
Love is a higher form of thought,
alien to any not by Him taught.
The holiness of God transends mere goodness,
simple pleasures of life, He's much higher than this!
Humility a lesson: Pain just a test:
Bring the will of the Savior, 'cause He knows what's best!
From whence won the war o'r evil? Cast down!
By choice, through Him, we claim victor's crown!
for the more that hatred presses us 'round,
the greater the contrast to His love is found!
More significance is there in His singular Word
than all the deluded voices we've heard.
The glory of Jesus is there for the knowing
experience His love, your faith will be growing!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Where is the one that can be found?
The one so strong that he can tell
the eternal King what not to do?
His deeds, at once, by force to quell?

That Eye which sees and comprehends,
encompasses all within His sight:
That Word which issues from His mouth,
defines our life and what is right.

The power of God surrounds us all.
When That Gaze considers a man,
the will of their strong limbs fail them,
wrung out like water upon the sand.

The conqueror is brought down to dust:
Now the braggart knows only his fear.
Where before waxed secure in dominion,
Sees only the grave through his tears.

Those who have chosen to trust in You,
will live to see Your justice done:
Will rejoice to see You rule the earth,
the exalted glory of the returned Son.

Love's Calling

While exalting You, I move from glory unto glory
in an ever increasing crescendo of joy.
When I praise You, You bring me with You:
I return from the depths.
In Your presence, I rise up
and shed sorrow like a soiled garment.
Everything I do in You is charged to,
and energized with, a higher purpose.
Love's calling is powerful indeed!
There is none stronger!
In You I find all I want or need.
Resting in You, I am complete.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


We are in Your presence
We who trust in You.
We bring our pain and suffering
and place it at Your feet.
Great are the sacrificies
that You have made for us.
Worthy of power and glory
yet You find Your joy in us.
No difficulty is beyond You
to bring glory to Your name.
First of all we seek to place
Your will above our own.
Secondly we seek the joy
of lifting up Your name.
No matter what the obstacle
we strive to bring You praise.

In our limitations
to overburdened hearts
Oh, Father send compassion
as You are wont to do
but this time also healing
If it will serve Your purpose.