Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Where is the one that can be found?
The one so strong that he can tell
the eternal King what not to do?
His deeds, at once, by force to quell?

That Eye which sees and comprehends,
encompasses all within His sight:
That Word which issues from His mouth,
defines our life and what is right.

The power of God surrounds us all.
When That Gaze considers a man,
the will of their strong limbs fail them,
wrung out like water upon the sand.

The conqueror is brought down to dust:
Now the braggart knows only his fear.
Where before waxed secure in dominion,
Sees only the grave through his tears.

Those who have chosen to trust in You,
will live to see Your justice done:
Will rejoice to see You rule the earth,
the exalted glory of the returned Son.

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